Thursday, July 18, 2013

Congratulations, Texas! You have pushed this mom into action!

Holy fucking crank dancing christ on a cracker!  
I've been following the craziness that passes for governing in the Texas legislature, particularly the ongoing efforts to return women to the status of brood mares and chattel.  Thank jeebus for Wendy Davis, who with grit and determination, stood up to the neanderthals, both male and female, who were working to set women's health back 50 years.
Wendy Davis' efforts were noble, if somewhat quixotic.
Fast forward:  new legislation offered to restrict women's reproductive health choices and treatment.  Passed by said neanderthals in the Texas legislature.
Not being satisfied with the draconian legislation outlawing abortions after 20 weeks and effectively shutting down all but 5 women's health clinics that provide abortion services, three Texas refuckingpublicans have proffered the following:
I am so sick of these bastards.  They are not pro-life; they are anti-women forced-birthers who see women as nothing more than breeding vessels.  As Randi Rhodes says, they love the fetus and hate the child, and the mother for that matter.  They are using The Handmaid's Tale as a guidebook.
This goes beyond trying to impose their moral view of pregnancy and life begins at conception philosophy on the rest of Texas; they are interfering with the medical decisions that ultimately have to be made between a woman and her healthcare provider with regards to any pregnancy.  What will they demand next?  Will they get to dictate diet during pregnancy?  How many times a woman can pee in a day while pregnant?  Whether or not a woman can take a Tum's for heartburn or use Preparation H for the hemmoroids?  What about pre-eclampsia - can that be treated or is it "God's will" as well and shouldn't be interfered with?
These morally repugnant assholes are DANGEROUS to women's health and the independence and autonomy of the individual that they claim to love.  The people of Texas, both the women and the men who love and respect them, and the rest of us, need to get on this and get LOUD!

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